We are your neighbors
The members of Lakeway Airpark live, work and fly in our community.
We are neighbors of the airport just like you and like you, we are aware of the unique opportunities and challenges that an airport can present.
This is why we have formed an association of members, a board and an active mechanism for your feedback, complaints and ideas. We want to hear from all of our neighbors to help improve the Airpark, ensure smooth operations and prevent infractions.
To that end we:
- Meet monthly* and share our agenda in advance of our meetings.
- Maintain an open meeting policy. Please feel free to attend.
- Maintain an email list for the board and for members.
- Maintain close relations with the city and law enforcement.
- Require our vendors to respect our Airpark operations and rules.
- Hold neighborhood events from time to time, such as our fish fry, fly-ins and other social events.
- Have a contact form on our web site to receive your comments.
- You can also email us directly at:
We want to hear from you!
Please feel free to contact us any time or attend any of our monthly meetings or our annual board meeting (held in June). If you have questions, ideas, concerns, please let us know.
Thank you,
Lakeway Airpark
*Typically at 9:30am on the 2nd Saturday of each month.
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